Sunday, June 10, 2007

Aging of America

As this country is undergoing the graying of America with almost 8,000 people turning 60 every day it is amazing how more and more things have smaller and smaller type. You would think that people in every field would realize that as people age they find it easier to see larger type but the opposite seems to be true. I see smaller type being used wherever I go.

Today in the supermarket I noticed that Silver Palate has redesigned their labels so that the type is smaller. Prevention magazine, which is aimed at an older population, just underwent a redesign and the type is quite small. I see newspapers using smaller type and many books have type that is either small or light and therefore difficult to read.

It's amazing to me how little thought is given in this country to the aging of the population. So many things could be redsigned to make things easier for older people but it seems that just the opposite is what is happening.

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