Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Use Your Calendar More

There are a number of ways to thinka bout time management. You want ot make the best use of your time and you want to see where your time is going. Are you spending time on things that are meaningful or worthwhile such as family, work, hobbies, etc. Or are you spending a lot, or even a small amount, of time on things that don't bring any pleasure or worth to your life.

One thing I have told clients to do is to use their clandar to keep track of how they spend their time. Either every fifteen minutes or every half hour not e what you have been doing. Working on a report, in a meeting, watching television, surfing the Internet, food shopping or whatever it is.

When you look at this at the end of the week it will give you a much beter idea of what you are actually doing. How much time are you spending watching TV or surfing the Internet, or doing housework or spending time in meetings. When you see what you are actually doing in can be a great help in figuring out how your time can be spent in ways that make your life better.

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