How NOT to Get Things Done
1. Don't throw anything out. Keep everything. After all you may need it someday. So what if things become so cluttered you can't find anything.
2. Keep making new piles. Don't file anything and don't ever go through old piles to see what can be thrown out.
3. Let paper take over your life. Remember that each piece is so precious and important that your life fades into the background instead.
4. Stack up and keep all the magazines and newspapers that you will read "someday".
5. Never figure out what are the real priorities in your life. After all if everything is equally important it doesn't matter what you get done first.
6. Never make yourself an important priority in your life. Sufficient sleep, exercise, eating right all those things don't really matter. What is important is getting caught up in the things of the moment and not the things that make your life better.
7. Do not set goals. After all you may just as well take whatever happens to you in life and just experience it. Setting goals and accomplishing things would just interfere with that.
8. Waste time watching TV or surfing the Internet. After all the average American watches 24 hours of TV a week and spends who knows how much time surfing the Internet so you might as well do it too.
9. Don't think of your family or friends as important. Concentrate instead on getting and acquiring things. After all that's what impresses other people so that must be what's important.
10. Never figure out how long it really takes to get things done. Just assume it will take 20 minutes and when it takes and hour and a half be really surprised.
Labels: exercise, family, friendship, goals, paper, paper management, piles, priorities, sleep, surfing the Internet, time, time management