This is the time of eyar that we all make New Year's resolutions that we all hope will make next year better. Below are my suggestions for ways to help your resolutions to work for you.
1. Make The Resolutions Positive.
Phrase everything in a positive way. Instead of saying I must lose weight or I must exercise more think in terms of I will take better care of my health this year. Instead of saying I will be a better parent say I will spend more time with my children.
2. Persistence pays off.
If things don’t turn out well right away don’t give up. We all often slip up in own way or another. Keep on going through the problem and determine that you’ll keep going to you’ve reached your goal.
3. Set realistic goals.
Trying to get everything to be perfect can mean that you’re never satisfied and therefore don’t get things done.
4. Make sure your resolutions mean something to you.
Don’t make a resolution because it’s something someone else thinks you should do, such as lose weight or take a class. You won’t do it. Think about what’s important to you and make goals based on your wants and needs.
5. Ink it, don’t think it.
One of the most important things you can do with goals or resolutions is to write them down. By writing them down they become more concrete to you and you also start thinking about the ways to achieve them.
6. Post your resolutions where you can see them everyday.
Put them on the bathroom mirror, by your desk, on the refrigerator. This is so that you will remember them and act on them. It’s not to make you feel guilty but to get them both to be part of you and to keep you moving in a positive direction.
7. Do it whether you feel like it or not.
Action can be the start of change. Don’t wait for the perfect time. Just start doing what you need to do and the rest will fall into place.
8. Make just a few resolutions.
Make a few that you will work on. It’s better to have a few resolutions that you accomplish than many that you don’t.
9. Set rewards for yourself for when you’ve reached different parts of your goals.
Set up rewards that you can afford and like – a new jacket for a special event or tickets for a show – and have them be part of the resolution process.
10. Forgive yourself.
If you don’t fulfill your resolutions fast enough or fall behind don’t berate yourself or call yourself negative names like stupid or dumb. Forgiveness is a wonderful quality that needs to be practiced. If we can forgive ourselves we can get more done and be happier.
Labels: forgiveness, New Year's resolutions, perfectionism, persistence, positive resolutions, rewards